Friday, March 27, 2015
12:00 pm ARRIVE at Terry Sayther Automotive, 1606 Fortview Road, Austin TX 78704, (512) 442-1361. We will depart promptly at 12:30 for a personal tour of one of the World’s Premier musical instrument building facilities. Bill Collings is a BMW guy and also has a First Class Hot Rod Shop on the factory premises. We have arranged a tour of those facilities as well.
Rallymasters’ phone numbers are: Terry (512) 627 2314, Debbie (512) 627 2556.
5:00ishpm ARRIVE at Sunday House Inn and Suites, 501 East Main St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 (830) 274-3762 for check-in. We have time before dinner for some car tales, so bring folding chairs for outside gathering! SWAP MEET!! BRING PARTS/STUFF!!!!
6:30pm DINNER at ALTDORF RESTAURANT, 302 West Main, Fredericksburg, (830) 997-7865. About a 9 block walk up Main Street—walk or drive, your choice. If the weather allows, we will be eating outside in the Biergarten.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
7:45 am DRIVER’S MEETING/BREAKFAST DEPARTURE from Sunday House. We will drive to Breakfast at the HANGER DINER, (830) 997-4999.
Please make sure you and your passengers have signed the INSURANCE WAIVER before departure; if not, see Debbie. Copies of ROUTE INSTRUCTIONS will be handed out as you sign the Waiver.
Since it’s on the way, we will return to Sunday House after breakfast for a quick pit stop.
9:30 am TOUR DEPARTURE from Sunday House parking lot. Let’s go!
12:15ish pm LUNCH at Knot in the Loop, 226 RR 1323, Willow City, TX (830) 685-3591. Knot in the Loop is famous for its burgers AND Wild West Museum.
1:30pm TOUR DEPARTURE! Get ready for the scenic Willow City Loop!
3:00 ish TOUR RETURN to Sunday House. You now have a few choices: relax, talk cars, shop, go to Nimitz Museum, talk cars. If some people are interested, we can drive a couple of miles over to a big hot rod collection for a visit.
6:00ish DINNER is a little impromptu. It is very difficult to make group reservations on Saturday night, so Terry and I will walk to the Auslander Restaurant, 323 East Main, Fredericksburg, (830) 997-7714 and everyone is invited to join us. At the same time, you are also welcome to make plans on your own—do what feels right! Chances are good that the Auslander can seat us more or less together, so we will just play it by ear.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
9:00am BREAKFAST at Andy’s Diner/Steak and Seafood, 413 South Washington, Fredericksburg, (830) 997-3744.
Thanks so much for joining us…hope you had a great drive, and hope to see you all for the THIRD ANNUAL FALL 02BERFEST, Nov 6-8, 2015. We will be back at the Peach Tree Inn & Suites for this event. Mark your Calendars NOW!!